
ARFlow Server Examples

The simplest example is minimal. You may want to start there!


If you're using pip, you should create and activate a virtual environment before installing any example's dependencies:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

If you're using poetry instead, you can just install the dependencies directly, as shown below.

Installing the example

Each example is packaged as a regular Python package, with a pyproject.toml file specifying its required dependencies. To run an example, it must first be installed.

For example, to install dependencies and run the toy minimal example (which doesn't need to download any data) run:

# Using pip:
pip install -e python/examples/minimal

# Using poetry:
cd python/examples/minimal
poetry install

Note: it is import to install example in editable mode, which is done using the -e flag (short for --editable).

Once installed, the example can be run as a regular Python module:

python3 -m minimal

# or, if you're using poetry:
poetry run minimal

Examples also declare console script, so they can also be run directly:


Contributions welcome

Feel free to open a PR to add a new example!

See the CONTRIBUTING.md file for details on how to contribute.

2.. include:: ./README.md